Waning qtr Moon over Medford OR

Out of the frying pan… Lol. On Monday the qtr MOON starts off with a communicative grand trine with MERCURY and JUPITER Rx as it squares first MARS then later that day, the SUN. Might feel a little frenetic, but maybe we are already used to that since the SUN and MARS are marching along in expansive, enthusiastic Sagittarius all month. Some weird dark feelings might be shadowing everything since VENUS is trine buzzkill SATURN in PISCES and square to glowering doomster PLUTO in CAPRICORN for a number of days. The MOON exactly trines PLUTO on Wednesday emphasizing the strong energies brought up by the concurrent trines betwixt the aforementioned VENUS-SATURN , the “healer and/or sufferer” dichotomy of SUN-CHIRON,  and the hyper expressive JUPITER-MERCURY. A good week to talk it out/write it out, about whatever is bothering you. A little responsible whining is allowed, it’s been a hard, strange Autumn.

Saturday the MOON catches VENUS in SCORPIO as they both oppose JUPITER Rx. Could be a day for passion or a day for jealousy, either way it’ll be likely rooted in some kind of subtle true intuition or an irrational fear. By Monday the sextile between VENUS and MERCURY will help us debrief whatever occurred over the last few days.
The NEW MOON in SAG on Tuesday will have wounded healer CHIRON all over it as well as MERCURY stationing Rx. More on that in a week on my YT channel, Intimacy Arts.
As always, I do personal reading for far less than the going rate for now, because I want you all to thrive by being in accord with your true nature.