FULL MOON FORECAST 12/26/2023 TO 1/3/2024

WAXING-MOON aspects 12/26/23HERE WE GO! The last FULL MOON of 2023 is in the MOON’s dwelling of nurturing and homey CANCER. Because NEPTUNE is still having a strong influence with some oncoming squares to MERCURY and MARS things may still feel a little foggy and willpower weak. Balancing that out somewhat MERCURY, that planet of the mind, communication and travel is also conjuncting MARS this week, and is still in its Rx trickster guise, so we may be quick to jump to conclusions or get a little headstrong even in our slightly blurry state. NEPTUNE also has a fading sentimental trine to Venus going on, letting us in some for nostalgia or old fashioned romance during this often sentimental seson. JUPITER is in an amplifying trine with the SUN (self), peaking on the 27th. All this adds up to a tendency to push us to keep the party and cheer rolling and perhaps just a flop out from all the overindulgences and depletions. Not necessarily a bad thing considering it is the dark of the year and also, what we’ve all accomplished and processed in the last few months. A little R&R, conviviality and easing back of the throttle might be appropriate, just watch for the “one too many” temptations. Hangovers and regrets.  It won’t be lasting long though, so even if you’ve unfortunately fallen under the shadow in this time of obligatory cheer, the starting bell will be ringing soon and there will no time for moping after the New Year gets rung in.

CHIRON in ARIES goes direct on the FULL MOON and it’ll soon be adding some courage and purpose to our actions in the coming months. JUPITER in TAURUS is staging to go direct on the 30th, hitting the gas for 2024. And MERCURY will screech to a halt to go forward on NYE at 22 degrees of SAG to start the year off with a trek forward through territory it has covered twice already since the end of November and first half of December. A chance to finalize the plans and inspirations that remain sparkly and correct from that time.
NYE has a fortunate “good times” set of trines from the MOON to JUPITER and the SUN in the evening. That is tempered though, by a mashup square between loving VENUS in passionate SCORPIO and stern SATURN in dreamy PISCES. Might tend to support those NY resolutions to be ambitious but also practical, or make us feel grumpy and dissatisfied at all the oblivious fun of NYE while the world is on fire. It depends on your disposition and where you get attached, know what I’m sayin’? Definitely be cautious of over cynicism during the 2nd and 3rd as the moon does a vexatious square to PLUTO and then squares the SUN for the FIRST QUARTER square of the moonth which always gives us a prod towards our goals and is opposite CHIRON, so diligently nurture your wellbeing after the Holidays. More details on that in the bi-monthly YT video with Phina, and the written report next week.

We probably SHOULD celebrate our passing through so much fire and darkness in the last few years and months, but also buckle up, because the game indubitably still afoot. This has all been just the opening act for the 2020’s. At this time only the big disrupter URANUS is still Rx until the end of January, but essentially it looks like it’ll be Go Time next year. So rest up, recharge, do your best to enjoy this week. I think 2024 is going to at least blow our hair back like a convertible on a highway, that is if it doesn’t blow the roof off all of our lives. Call me up if you want a personal forecast of your upcoming year.

Blessings and Happy Solstice/New Year.