Well, that was an interesting few days last week, eh? V-day seemed to be pretty dramatic for some of you, and it would be, considering the way the stars aligned for it. One of the advantages of being an astrology nerd is you can watch the sky dance and see how it shows up on Earth and in the lives nearby. Shit happens, but the way it happens is because of the music that is playing AND the way you are dancing to it. Astrology gives us a window of the past, present and upcoming rhythms. Forewarned is forearmed. Lol

This week of the FULL MOON, initiating on Friday Feb 24th, is going to be interesting too. The MOON is still doing its rapid strobe-like changing of aspects in often hours instead of days. With so many planets crowded together in a few signs there is a lot of variability in our emotions and intuitions. This might all feel a bit schitzy and confusing at times, if we can stay chill, we can navigate it gracefully.

While the Virgo FULL MOON exactly opposes the Pisces SUN it will also be closely opposing MERCURY and SATURN since these are all nearly conjunct the each other. This opposition cluster will possibly feel a bit crunchy that day, but it won’t last more than a few hours before JUPITER gives the whole thing a positive boost, as JUPITER will be exactly trine the MOON and still be finishing a helpful sextile to SATURN. If you don’t like the weather…. Try not to take anyone’s (especially your own) moods as gospel in the moment for the next 5 months or so (!) until the planets begin to spread out a bit and the emotional MOON has some breathing space between energies. Astrologically, this annual clustering of planets has been happening for a few years and will happen for the next few years more because of where the big slow-moving planets are right now. I look at it as being schooled in the necessity of becoming more objective and less wrapped up in the moody reactivity indicated by the MOON during what may likely be some of the most challenging times of our lives. We are all on the advanced slopes nowadays.

JUPITER will be compellingly square to both MARS and VENUS as they are still more or less conjunct, around the FULL MOON, giving us the urge, confidence and energy to make dynamic moves on things like our relationships, our finances and our life path no matter what it takes. It can be awkward only because it’s a strong pushing energy that might clumsily overdo it.
The MOON swings around conjunct the SOUTH NODE by Tuesday, thereby also opposing the NORTH NODE and CHIRON. This will emphasize our ongoing healing/healer energies of this aspect, as it will each month until CHIRON moves away from the NORTH NODE later in the Spring. This is good time for receiving or giving healing therapy concerning our deep wounds. We all need to compassionately support ourselves and each other more than ever these days as best we can. The NODES will also be Trine and Sextile respectively to MARS-VENUS for much of the week adding a touch of karmic destiny around relationships, money etc. and those healing energies.

The SUN, SATURN and MERCURY conjunction in Pisces which is as close as it can be around the 28th will definitely be in play through the end of the month bringing us some steady, mature and serious energy to get things done, especially around our long-term visions. Keep your eye on the prize of your best life, despite any of the transient distractions.

The MOON squares dark-n-deep PLUTO on the 28th. Then it goes on to form a back-to-back T-square series with MARS to VENUS and JUPITER  to URANUS on the 29th to the 1st, while also sequentially Trine the SATURN, SUN, MERCURY conjunction. This may set us up for some dramatic, but likely forward, feelings and actions on those days. Just sayin’.

We get a leap day this year which has no astrological significance other than to point out that the universe does not conform to only rational numbers that divide evenly and we are chronically (pun!) out of rhythm with the true cycles when we think clocks and calendars are real. Even astrology is only an approximate mapping to help us navigate reality. Use the best maps you have, but don’t get the maps confused with the actual territory.

The Waning Square MOON will be on March 3 which has some flowy sextiles and some feisty or discordant squares too. More on that next week.