This waxing MOON starts off with a stage magician’s flair this time. As I mentioned last week, mystical NEPTUNE is all over this next week with its conjunction with the SUN exact on the 17th along with the waxing square. Things could be trickery, could be real magic, or a mazy combination and we won’t really be able to tell unless we are carefully clarified in our intuitive faculties. Or we can just wait a few days to check ourselves.  We might feel a bit spacy or tired since this last week. It’s been a hella ride lately and Neptune is asking us to slow down and rest, to contemplate deeper. We would all benefit from some time in the forest or the beach or immersed in art. Either inspiration or confusion, a lot might be stirring because of the approaching JUPITER-URANUS conjunction.
The next day the MOON squares MERCURY as MERCURY conjuncts the NORTH NODE urging us to think about and speak of our life direction or the direction of our world. It’s also trine SATURN and sextile JUPITER during that day adding in a dash of self-confidence and responsibility to the mix.

The 18th the MOON trines NEPTUNE as that planet slowly falls behind in its walk with the SUN. Perhaps some creative insights might flash up if we give it some space to do so. Perhaps we’ll sleep in.
MERCURY conjuncts CHIRON on the 20th and VENUS conjuncts SATURN the next day. Neither are likely to be light and breezy, but actually good days for talk therapy and self-care activities. There is an itchy half square from the SUN to JUPITER going on too adding a subtle compulsion to “do something”. Such a great time for taking responsibility for our healing and integrating the lessons learned from our past wounds, both collectively and personally. This will be facilitated over the next few days with some helpful lunar trines with the approaching JUPITER-URANUS conjunction on the 23rd and an oncoming lovely sextile between JUPITER and VENUS. There is also a developing quincunx (an energy of “not quite comfortable”) between JUPITER and the SOUTH NODE of our past, so be prepared for some more old karma to be dealt with as we close in on the FULL MOON and its Eclipse.

The MOON opposes NEPTUNE a day before the FULL MOON suggesting a day of art, spiritual practices and soothing time in nature. Get your kit together to honor the eclipse in Libra. There will, no doubt, be a lot to say about this eclipse season in the next few weeks. One day a time, as the old 12 step saying goes as we cleanse ourselves and prepare for what’s to come. I wish for you all to find hope and anticipation in the changes we must go through now. It’s an exciting and harrowing time to be alive. Holding back won’t work in these rapids and we are far down the river from where we all started. Keep paddling.