Weekly Astrological Horoscope July 7, 2023

July 7 through July 13, 2023

This week has an interesting pattern arising which will be with us all of July into August. Pluto is squaring the Moons Nodes all month while the nodes are switching signs. The nodes are indicators of our Karma and Dharma. Things we know well from the past but need to move on from (South Node), and things we must learn and grow into in our lives (North Node). Pluto the destroyer and powerful transformer, brings our unconscious shadow out, things we’ve collectively and individually hid from ourselves and others gets brutally brought to light in this context. It is ultimately for the Good, even though we might resist, because the hidden and suppressed will always be eventual poison to our wholeness. It is always revealed in the long run, one way or another, or it becomes toxic to our wellbeing and true joy in life.

While this wild shit is going on, Pluto will be simultaneously opposing and activating Mercury, the planet of communication and thoughts, information and travel. At the same time, fiery Mars gets involved by synergistic trine and sextile to the North and South nodes respectively adding sparks and fire to the whole mix.  You can see how this might bring up some interesting conversations and experiences this week. Be prepared to be extra gracious and humble and wise about what you think and say and receive. It is potent medicine for sure. Next week: More fun with Pluto!