Weekly Astrological Horoscope: June 20, 2023

The big news for this week besides the Summer Solstice, is Saturn retrograde (Things we must do and its at its closest, most effectual proximity) is beneficially trine Jupiter (optimistically encouraging things to “Go big”). So at the beginning of the week things may seem to move forward a bit more smoothly if you’re making the necessary effort in the right direction. There might be some doubts, nightmares or delusions from dreamy, idealistic Neptune unfavorably squared to the Sun (self), but they will weaken by midweek. The other news is Mars and its loose conjunction with Venus. The masculine and feminine archetypal energies coming into balance while it trines the wounded healer Chiron. The end of June is more flowy than the beginning and relationships are getting opportunities for correction, both inside the self and externally. Happy Solstice!